
Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute
net.sf.ehcache This package contains the public API for using ehcache. 
net.sf.ehcache.constructs The constructs package builds on top of the core ehcache classes to create implementations for common caching patterns. 
net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader ClassLoader contstructs package This package contains classes for ehcache core search API. This package contains classes for search aggregator functionality. This package contains an implementation for Results. Store package. 
net.sf.ehcache.transaction This package contains classes for controlling cache operations for transactional use. 

Uses of Attribute in net.sf.ehcache

Methods in net.sf.ehcache that return Attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
Ehcache.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
Cache.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute

Uses of Attribute in net.sf.ehcache.constructs

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs that return Attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
EhcacheDecoratorAdapter.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute

Uses of Attribute in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader that return Attribute
 Attribute ClassLoaderAwareCache.getSearchAttribute(String arg0)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute

Uses of Attribute in

Fields in declared as Attribute
static Attribute Query.KEY
          The search attribute for a cache element's key.
static Attribute Query.VALUE
          The search attribute for a cache element's value.

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
 Query Query.addGroupBy(Attribute<?>... attribute)
          Group result set by unique value(s) of specified attribute(s).
 Query Query.addOrderBy(Attribute<?> attribute, Direction direction)
          Request result set ordering by the given attribute and direction.
<T> T
Result.getAttribute(Attribute<T> attribute)
          Retrieve the given attribute value for this cache entry
 Query Query.includeAttribute(Attribute<?>... attributes)
          Request that the given attribute(s) should be present in the result for this query.

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute Sum.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator
 Attribute Min.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator
 Attribute Max.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator
 Attribute<?> Count.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator
 Attribute Average.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator
 Attribute<?> AggregatorInstance.getAttribute()
          Get the attribute to pass to aggregator

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
static Aggregator Aggregators.average(Attribute<?> attribute)
          Construct an average value aggregator
static Aggregator Aggregators.max(Attribute<?> attribute)
          Construct a maximum value aggregator
static Aggregator Aggregators.min(Attribute<?> attribute)
          Construct a minimum value aggregator
static Aggregator Aggregators.sum(Attribute<?> attribute)
          Construct a sum aggregator

Constructors in with parameters of type Attribute
Average(Attribute<?> attribute)
Max(Attribute<?> attribute)
Min(Attribute<?> attribute)
Sum(Attribute<?> attribute)

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in with parameters of type Attribute
<T> T
BaseResult.getAttribute(Attribute<T> attribute)
          Retrieve the given attribute value for this cache entry

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute<?> StoreQuery.Ordering.getAttribute()
          Attribute to order by
<T> Attribute<T>
Store.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
ElementIdAssigningStore.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
CopyingCacheStore.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
<T> Attribute<T>
CacheStore.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
<T> Attribute<T>
AbstractStore.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Attribute
 Set<Attribute<?>> StoreQuery.groupByAttributes()
          Get the set of attributes to group result set by
 Set<Attribute<?>> StoreQuery.requestedAttributes()
          Get the set of attributes requested by this query

Uses of Attribute in net.sf.ehcache.transaction

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.transaction that return Attribute
<T> Attribute<T>
AbstractTransactionStore.getSearchAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieve the given named search attribute


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